The Collective.

  • Collective Director

    In 2015, after researching for about two and a half years, I designed and built my fabulous tiny house on wheels. My tiny house is the culmination of a long standing dream and desire to live a lighter and free-er lifestyle. My home represents a desire that many have to reduce their ecological footprint and focus more on practices of less and sustainability. My tiny house is my non-traditional retirement plan.

    As part of the early beginnings of the tiny house movement I didn't really see other Black and brown faces represented. Nor were the issues of racism I've encountered within the movement and in trying to find parking locations, in RV Parks and rural areas, being included in the broader conversations. Additionally and very unfortunately, the "tiny house leaders" were resistant to conversations about and actions representing diversity and inclusion. That then meant I had a responsibility to lead the conversations to ensure those concerns and BIPOC voices were well represented and heard and to ensure the movement is also accessible to our community. I see this work as the intersection of art and activism; the art that is my tiny house and my activism for my community.

    Tiny houses present an opportunity to challenge the status quo of conventional community and housing, both of which were literally built on inequity and continue to operate as designed. I see my work as liberation work- working to disrupt the status quo to create and build safe and equitable communities, using movable housing and businesses as the infrastructure for change.

    This is the work of moving the tiny house movement forward from individual solutions for affordable housing into the building of resilient communities that address collective needs.

  • Collective Consultant

    Chris has been a full-time Carpenter for over 25 years with experience in modular construction, remodeling, historic preservation, site development and alternative housing. After three years of off grid living, Chris and his family are enjoying the homestead they’ve built. Chris recently completed a home for his family, built almost completely from salvage.

    When Chris isn’t swinging a hammer, he is pushing for social justice in many forms. However his passion is advocating for affordable and fair housing for everyone.

    More info: The Capable Carpenter

  • Collective Consultant

    Coming Soon

  • Collective Consultant

    Coming Soon

  • Collective Consultant

    Coming Soon

  • Collective Consultant

    Coming Soon

Who We Are.

We are a team with social good at our core, individually and collectively. We are conscientious and socially minded, with a desire to develop environmentally and socially responsible communities. We are community oriented, we serve and represent historically underserved and socially disadvantaged communities, because housing justice and representation matter.

Our collective expertise spans ten-plus years of tiny house design, building, dwelling, education, consulting, activism and advocacy; we are tiny house committed. We bring an unwavering commitment to quality and a collaborative process to each partnership and endeavor. We design and develop attainable collective communities that promote environmental resilience, sustainability, equity and inclusion.